see New Business Results of agencies who have
memorialized their greatest Customer Successes

" my agent takes care of that "
" we're good "
80% of your prospects saying these words to your producers

Agency SUCCESS Binder™

When you hire me to assemble your 100% CUSTOM...

2 BOR's in one week

2 BOR's in one week

Eliminates agents hearing these dreaded words:

“we just renewed”

“we’re good”

“my agent takes care of that”

Step 1 – More Appointments

I would never again go see a prospect without my Agency “Success Binder”. Thank you L.J.

–Randy Boss

Find out why Randy feels that way. Read Here

I would never again go see a prospect without my Agency “Success Binder”. Thank you L.J.

–Scott Williams

Find out why Scott feels that way.

I would never again go see a prospect without my Agency “Success Binder”. Thank you L.J.

–Dustin Boss

Find out why Dustin feels that way. Read Here

I would never again go see a prospect without my Agency “Success Binder”. Thank you L.J.

–Max Rocha

Find out why Max feels that way. Read Here

I would never again go see a prospect without my Agency “Success Binder”. Thank you L.J.

–Christina Cheung

Find out why Christina feels that way.

I would never again go see a prospect without my Agency “Success Binder”. Thank you L.J.

–Ralph Whitehurst

Find out why Ralph feels that way.

I would never again go see a prospect without my Agency “Success Binder”. Thank you L.J.

–Kevin Kilcoyne

Find out why Kevin feels that way.

I would never again go see a prospect without my Agency “Success Binder”. Thank you L.J.

–Ray Gage

Find out why Ray feels that way. Read Here

I would never again go see a prospect without my Agency “Success Binder”. Thank you L.J.

–Justin Cook

Find out why Justin feels that way.

Once you have an Agency Success Binder… all you do is show a Prospect PROOF of what your Agency has already done for Business Owners just like them, and these are the WORDS you will hear them say…

What Prospects say…

(to agents with an Agency Success Binder)

Agent Scott Williams

Prospect Says...

I got this appointment by talking the CFO into handing our Success story to the Owner.

3 weeks later sitting with the Owner

The Owner had a Type A personality. I was prepared for our normal 90 minute meeting. But, after 20 minutes looking through our Agency Success Binder, the Owner stopped me cold, and said, “Scott, I want you to do for us what you did for them.” Then, I heard 14 words I had never heard before…

Last year…

I used the SAME prospect list as this year.

This year…

With the Agency Success Binder, I have written $385,000 NEW business versus last year

” I will never go out on a sales call again without an Agency Success Binder ” –Scott Williams

Agent Christina Cheung

Prospect Says..

This was my 11 th BOR victory using our Agency “Success Binder” but my first experience witnessing a Business Owner gain such a high degree of confidence in reviewing our Agency Successes that he felt comfortable enough – to fire his old agent without ever meeting me face to face.

By Phone

Last year…

Last year in the 3rd quarter, we got only 2 appointments for $70,000

This year…

Mailing and emailing our Agency Success Binder material to the SAME prospect list – we got 9 appointments – I closed 7. An increase of $570,000 in new business.

Agent Kevin Kilcoyne

Prospect Says..

A prospect was walking by our trade show booth. The husband tried to brush us off and said, “We’re good, we’re good”.
So, I handed the wife one of our Agency Success Binder Case Study’s and said: “When you look at these Pictures, what do the Results say to you” ? She said…

By Phone + Trade Show

Last year…

I thought I had a good year, but…

This year…

Since having the Agency Success Binder, I’m up over $600,000 versus last year.

Schedule a time to see what a custom Agency Success Binder looks like

Show me what prospects say to agents that have a Success Binder

3 Young agents WIN BIG!

Zach sets 9 appointments in 30 days

Max gets 3 appointment with Owners who refused to see him last year

Justin sells $130,000 new business by “dropping off” Evidence

WINS again


The real reasons why Business Owners
Won’t see your producers

Case Study Result:

BEFORE: 2nd year producer made 1,235 calls comprising 128 owner conversation resulting in 19% appointments.

NOW: with the Case Study Evidence to Mail – Email –and drop off; the producer’s appointment success rate has increased to 27%

Summary:Agency Success Binder yielded a 42% improvement in appointments, resulting in $35,000 of additional Commission income for the same of effort and time.

Click here to arrange a time to see the actual Case Study EVIDENCE sent to those prospects

Bonus: $400 value
Get 2 Appointments for FREE

with Business Owners having more than 20 employees the 1st week you have your Agency Success Binder. We’ll let you prove to yourself how much easier and quicker it is for a prospect to realize they should leave their old agent — once you show them your Agency Success Binder (not combinable with any other offer).